Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok, my daughter has multiple personalities. I am sure of it. She absolutely refuses to speak to people. I mean refuses. And if she happens to be upset in the situation in public she won't even talk to me. However, at home, she will not shut up. Will not shut up. Sometimes it is not so cute. Some days one needs a little quiet..not a lot, just a little. And seriously, I think she has said, "mom..." like 300 times today. Honestly. I didn't count but if I had a ticker to count, I am sure it would have been close. I love that girl more than anyone in the world, but one cannot listen constantly...one must have some quiet time. Just a little...here and there... I may lose my mind. I know she needs to talk and I want her to talk to me...but for the love of all things holy, every breath is not to speak with! I am sure it would help if she spoke to someone besides me. But alas, she refuses. I have no idea where she gets her stubborn streak from. ;)

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