Cayde was whisked from the room but they did get Wayne's attention so he could get a brief glimpse. It wasn't even long enough for him to get me to look that direction. I held tight to that tiny little cry I heard. I knew he was ok. Heavenly Father had let me know he would be ok and he was.
They finished doing whatever they were doing to my body. It felt like they were rocking me up and down. It was weird and I kept getting sea sick. Nausea was abundant. The anesthesiologist placed a little dish between my head and Wayne in case I was going to heave. Wayne joked that he would prefer it be on the other side. Always the funny guy!
I had no idea that they had stapled me up. Had I thought that was a possibility I would have requested something different. I feel staples are wrong....especially in the event they are holding flesh together. I feel ok about them and their relationship with wood. The last time my abdomen was cut open the surgeon sewed it up with dissolvable stitches both inside and outside. That was satisfactory to me.
Later Wayne said, "How could you not know they put staples in ya?! It sounded like a construction zone!" At which point he made dramatic staple noises. Lovely.
When I was close to finished up, which didn't take long, I was taken to a back alley....I mean a weird deserted recovery room with my nurse. Just her and I. I was doing that funky shaking thing. It lasted for a couple of hours. They said most women do that after having a baby. I think it's interesting that it happened after both my babes were born because one was a natural delivery and one was a Cesarean section. So apparently it has to do with hormones. After my first delivery I thought it was due to the trauma of pushing a child from my body. Apparently I was wrong. It happens occasionally.
Wayne was taken to the NICU where he spent a good amount of time with our brand new miracle. He took the sweet set of pictures of Cayde with the coins next to his hand and the one with Wayne's hand next to Cayde. I cried and cried when he showed me. Wayne's mom walked in as we were looking at the photos. I was still shaking and I felt sudden relief to see her. It was a pretty big thing for her (and Wayne's little brother) to come down from Blanding, Utah. Allori had been at home with my brothers who were visiting from Illinois. Porter was at respite. Taking care of two kids would have been a bit much to ask of my little brothers. My mother in law would be able to take care of my kids without me having to worry about making arrangements, etc. A huge relief for me.
I love you!
I did the shaking thing with JAkob too. Crazy! Just another fun thing to add to the baby process.It all sucks but the baby. And what is up with the funny men? I don't think they would be cracking any jokes if they were pushing out a watermelon.
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