Sunday, September 6, 2009


I am really not a fan of fake rules. Non rules. Lame rules. Rules for no reason rules. Whatever you want to call them. I don't like them. I think rules have their place and I even enjoy making a rule up on occasion. I have a hard time keeping my facial expressions in check when someone tells me a lame rule.

If the person has much of an intellect which at this point is of course questionable, they would for sure know by the look on my face that I think they are a total moron. I am really working on this. One really should not look at another one like he/she is a moron even when it is true. It's just not polite.

At the hospital they have these incredibly loud doors. I don't know how they can be so loud. Seriously as far as I can tell they do nothing but open and close. They have no special job like holding a seal like an airplane door does. That door has a very important job and if it wants to be loud, ok I can respect that. These doors do nothing but open. And close. But apparently they have a complex and would like to be paid attention to because they would scare the daylights out of a deaf 80 year old man.

I wouldn't be concerned with the sound the doors made except that there are itty bitties sleeping in the room the door opens up to. Why on earth would they put THAT door THERE? Again, please let me talk to whoever made THAT decision. Lamo.

Here's the weird part. There is a big sign saying only staff should enter that door. Hmmm. Why? Some of the nurses are door police and will tell parents not to use the doors. Only one has told me not to use it. I assume the rest of them realize it's a dumb rule and that it makes no sense. A pharmacist also told me not to use it. (I have only been told twice not to use it.) When she told me I asked her why not and she said smartly, "well cause that's what 'they' told me." Well by all means then. We must do what the ominous 'they' say to do!

If parents didn't use it, would this cut done on it's use? Not by a long shot. There are four babies in the room. So maybe a parent or two would use it in an hour but about 20 staff members go slamming in and out of it every hour making the poor babies jump. (Yes I have monitored it) What a lamo rule. If they are going to use it that often I just don't see how once or twice an hour more is really going to make any kind of difference but hey that's just my logic. And why would they have it? (The rule I mean.)

Parents please walk the long way around and use the quiet entrance. It's less convenient and more of a hassle. You probably just had surgery and are probably going through a tremendously stressful ordeal and to accommodate you we have built a breezeway that takes you an extra 5 minutes to get to your baby. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was SOOOO funny to read! ilu!