We've been finding some good Christmas movies on tv. I guess I generally don't look for them. Until this year. I would definitely recommend Silver Bells being shown on WE and The Christmas Choir showing on The Hallmark Channel. Today we found one that wasn't a Christmas movie but seemed watch worthy. It was titled Front of the Class on a local channel. It was quite good. I cried like 6 times. Ok, maybe 3, I'm not sure really...the last 4 times kind of ran together covering the last 1/2 hour. Horomones? Yeah I think so too. Then I was reading blogs and as I was reading my friends blog I called Wayne over to show him the feature pictures. Nearly right after that, I messaged my dad that I loved him and the tear ducks opened again making way for the flood. I don't know why. I pointed out to Wayne that I was obviously on the weepy part of my cycle. He looks over and says, "Are you crying cause
Rasband shot a deer?" It sounded so ridiculous that I laughed hysterically...and yes...more tears. Happy ones this time! but tears none the less.
Trisha: Um someone named their blog (xxxx). [I found it interesting, name left out to protect the guilty-not Kristine, thought I would mention that since her blog is referenced above.]
Wayne: What is the name of your blog?
Trisha: These days...
Wayne: [From kitchen] That was the best you could come up with?
Trisha: Ummmm, yeah I guess so. [squinty eyes at his inquiry]
Wayne: [silence, though not an unusual response from Wayno]
Trisha: What would you have called it? [If he can judge, he can add imput. lol]
Wayne: Wayne's blog.
Trisha: Good idea but in order to have your name in the title, you might actually have to have something to do with it....like reading it. [Thinking I am clever cause to my knowledge he has never read it. I have asked if he wanted the address once and he declined. lol]
Wayne: [silence again but since he returned to the livingroom, I scould see his incriminating smile]
Trisha: [Stunned] You've read it?.....when did you read it? How did you find it?
Wayne: [Silence and silly smirk]
Trisha: [Lots of questions, still feeling stunned] You read it?
Wayne: I've read it.
Trisha: huh. Well good thing I don't talk bad about you.
Wayne: Except that one time.
Trisha: [wondering if he really ever reads it although as you know I don't talk poorly of him...on here...hehe. kidding. Hmm.]
Today at church it was a little bit crazy. Three babies 17 months and under missing their naps makes for grumpy babies. Because our babies are all too young to attend nursery on their own and taking three babies to sunday school with only four arms between us isn't a great idea we will go to nursery and just stay there and help out a bit. Anyway today we were having singing time lead by my sweet friend Kristine (who's blog was referenced above) and we were singing lots of fun kid songs.
Now I know the song, "
Where is Thumbkin." I sung it as a child and know all of the words...I thought. I had NO idea it had 5 verses. I only knew one. Unfortunately in the middle of Church Singing time for small children (under 4) I was struck with a sudden bout of juvenile humor. Now I have a few friends who I haven't seen in a while but who, when we hung out, juvenile humor was rampant. So when we started to sing verse two, "Where is pointer..." I was surious and interested...this was all new to me. I followed along pretty well. But then verse three started. "Where is tall man..." I just could not contain my laughter. I don't know ok. I obviously am not in control of my emotions (when am I?) and I laughed...out loud...several times. No one laughed with me. LOL. Still though, funny, right? I thought it was good times and hey, now I know. Wayne and I just sang a round of verse three. He apparently enjoyed it as well. As did the kids in the video. So they are 8....good times, right?
By the way, I do not flip people off...even when I am driving. I just thought it was funny that we were all waving our "tall men" around and singing. My friend Cammie-her dad used to say that I was simple. He's right. I am. And I am glad. I hope to find joy in simple everyday things more often.
Better get to bed soon...tomorrow Wayne leaves at 7:00am. He has his ultrasound on his hurting gut at 8:00 which means it will be my first day alone with five kids. Angela is in Kindergarten but she doesn't know what school she goes to and CYFD hasn't figured it out yet. So no school tomorrow. Might be interesting loading 5 kids up early enoguh to get her tos chool everyday. I wonder how thats going to work. I have gotten pretty good at having 2 babies on my hips (which are plentiful..ahhahahahah) at the same time. I don't think though that there is room for another one. I did however hold all three of them on (or near) my lap my lap duirng Sacrament. There was a lack of young men to pass the Sacrament so they asked Wayne (among a handful of other men) to pass it. He looked at me with a cute questioning smile. I gave him the go-ahead nod with the wish-me-luck look on my face. Josiah and Issy are jealous and generally want to be held when the other is being held, etc. And Leland wants to be held every waking moment. And that is no exageration. He cries constantly unless I am holding him or he is asleep. That's not really going to work well. Hopefully time will help.
By the way when we adopt Josiah, we will alter his current 4 part name to a 3 part name and will be calling him Porter. We have always called him both Josiah and Porter. I think because I felt right away we might get to adopt him. Nothing is ever certain with CYFD, but we hope to be able to adopt him next year. Porter is part of his four part name and although we will leave Josiah as his first name, we will call him Porter which will be his middle name. There are a couple of reasons we would alter his name. First I would want him to feel like he is our son in every way possible including having a hand in choosing his name. I think Porter is a very strong handsome name and is more unique, like I like. Also, Wayne goes by his middle name, did you know that? All of his brothers and his dad go by their middle names. Even one of his two sisters goes by her middle name. (Not sure why the other sister's name pattern got switched up.) I am not sure that I love the going by your middle name thing but I do see the value in doing special things in making an adopted child feel as much a part of our family as possible. This is something they can share, a similarity.
What do you think about a name change? In theory I think its wierd. But....I think my reasons trump that opinion so that's our plan.
I have a friend who just adopted two of her foster babies. She changed at least one of their names. It was kind of funny to me because she kept calling him by both names to me, for months, and finally I got the idea she was doing that for my benefit so I told her it was fine to call him whatever she wanted.
I get where she was on that though because at home we call Porter, Porter most of the time. But when we are out around others who have been introduced to him as Josiah, we call him that. How do we solve this dilemma? One of Wayne's brother's heard us call him Porter when we were recently in Blanding and asked why. I told him. Basically what I just told you and from then on he and my sister in law called him Porter. I thought it was cool. Cool, meaning I felt he stepped up and was very respectful. I might not have expected that. I know it seems like a simple thing...I guess he saw the value in his name and the value in him being part of OUR family, being part of his family. (I don't find it offensive or anything when others still call him Josiah after hearing our plan by the way, I think its a funny situation.) Anyway, share your thoughts.....
And goodnight. Sleep well....