Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I do not like them....

I do not like children. Why do we have them? To torture ourselves? To work harder than we have ever worked before, with more purpose simply to be so flustered at the end of the night that bedtime is the only reprieve?

I do not like that these children have lived with me for 6 months and pretend to not know the rules, I do not like that because they through fits, my Allori is learning to throw them. I do not like them Sam I am, I do not like bad children.

But I do like when they get up form a nap and want nothing more than to wrap themselves in my arms. I do like the insatiable laughter (sometimes :) ). I do like when we are at a new place and they grab my hand jut a little tighter, letting me know they need a little extra support right then. I do like that they feel safe with me. I do like that they are not scared in my home. (The first week they were here I had to hold and rock them for a long time each night and tell them repeatedly that no one was going to hurt them in this house, we would find Juliana asleep is random places in the house in the middle of the night.) I do like that they argue over who will say the prayer at dinner. I do like that they cheerfully do their chores (mostly.) I do like that when life gets treacherous there are blessings throughout-small scented flowers to get you through the ugliness. I love these children so much. I think it will tear my heart when I have to give them back. I don't think I could ever stop loving a child, once I had begun.


Michelle said...

Sob sob. Awww. You are a good mama, and you will be a good mama even if you are bald from ripping your hair out! :) Now you know why my mom wanted to know what was so darn funny all the time when we were together! Sometimes, at the end of the night, I cry because I am so weary, worn out and frustrated, but I always get up the next day and try it again!

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet Post Trish. And funny, ofcourse. Your writing style has ALWAYS put a smile on my face. What a blessing you are to those children... and I'm sure a blessing they are to you!