Thursday, December 31, 2009


So I realize I have not posted in a LONG time. It is not that nothing has happened. LOTS has happened, in fact, I have simply not had the time or mind power to put it paper (or screen).

But this a must share. Yesterday Wayne and I were goofin around about something. He was teasing me like he does. Anyway at the appropriate time (and he is a Pehrson, so you can rest assured it was deserved. :) ) I very lightly-and I mean lightly jabbed him above his gut with my fist. Now I describe it that way rather than say punch because there was nothing behind it. NOT EVEN my elbow and certainly not any strength that I possibly could muster. Keep in mind Wayne is MUCH stronger than me. MUCH. Admittedly after having a baby, all of our arms, as mothers get stronger from carrying said baby and carrier. But honestly I was standing close enough to kiss him and I felt like I barely tapped him in the gut.

Next thing I know, he hits the wall-whole body style and then hits the floor. HITS THE FLOOR! WHAT?!?!? I look at him with this stunned look and ask what he devil he is doing cause surely he is joking. No, he is seriously in pain. But I hardly touched you?

Um. I really hurt him!

I don't know how.

Now I obviously have MORE wonder woman qualities than I once thought. Better watch those guns!

(I have broken out in spontaneous laughter several times since this very tragic event. Once Wayne figures out what I am laughing about he is les than pleased. Its been a rough week on me. I apologized to him multiple times...I also told him...Dude this is the only funny thing I have let me have this thing! I am sorry I hurt you I did not mean to, etc. etc., but now is it not funny? He did laugh when I told him this morning that if he did not listen to me that I would drop him to the floor. hehe. )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jeff will be home late sun night. Can you use your guns on him?