She decided she was ready to ride her bike yesterday without training wheels so daddy and uncle Craig took them off for her. (pics are terrible but it was dusk and our digital is what it is ok?)
She only worked on it for about 10 or 15 minutes and we had no need for any runs to urgent care so that's not bad. She did yell directives at her dad the whole time. I do ask her to not yell and boss her dad and I try not to do that. I am bossy by nature as is my mother and her mother before her and my great grandmother before her. I am guessing the trend did not start there but you know...just a guess.
People it's in our genes. We know how to get things done. We can't help it.
It amazes me how bossy she is. I try to correct her and teach her to reign it in a bit. Whew! She is a fire cracker! How can she be so bossy and then be so shy in the next moment?
She has been doing this amazing art lately. I need to get a photo of some of it. She is taking pieces of nature and creating art, gluing it to paper and adding colors and making beautiful creative art. I LOVE it!Love it. Love her....My beautiful creative feisty firecracker. I am so glad I have her forever. I could stare at her beautiful person just that long.
1 comment:
Allori is amazing. Tell her I love her purse she made me.
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