Friday, January 23, 2009

They hear everything!

So being the stellar wife that I am this morning, after letting Wayne do the morning stuff (like he usually does-do not be mistaken, this is a normal event. The man is amazing.) I pulled myself out of bed about a half hour after he left. Do not be alarmed-I had one ear pointed to the living room listening to my three hooligans (you know so I could decipher if any of the 7 cries truly needed my attention.) Finally I decided to pull my bum out of that so comfy bed and check on the hooligans. No one had lost an eye, pulled the dogs tail off or caused long lasting damage. There was however a trail of kix going from the cereal cupboard (I keep a low cupboard full of cereal for the kids to always have access to something ) to the tv. Fabulous.

My body aches. ACHES! But the death pain that was my back for the last 3 days has lessened a bit. Thank you Lidoderm. (I don't know why the site focuses on shingles but whatever.) They help my near constant pain, and I thank God for them! When I picked up my second prescription several months ago, the young cute pharmacist asked with a twinkle in his eye, "Do they work like a dream?" The glimmer in his eye hinted that we were sharing some beautiful secret. They DO work like a dream.

Anyway, upon seeing the kix and ignoring them..for now. I hurt too badly still to bend down and pick up trail-o-kix. Alright, so after chatting with Michelle for a bit and doing other important thigns on the internet. LOL I bathed. (See how productive the day is getting.) It was near time for the boys naps so got them down for their naps and turned music on the tv so allori and I could do some chores. She is a fabulous helper.

Well the chore part didn't really come. I am still working on that...Allori did start on the livingroom. But some lame song came on. I should have turned it off immediately but I was just trying to ignore it. (See, stellar mom too). All of a sudden Allori says, "low down, white trash..." at which point I was able to interupt her and let her know that those were not nice words. The line in the song ended with an even less pleasant word. Thank goodness she didn't say that. The world is such a crazy place.

In my little talk with her I did compliment her good listening skills. lol. Ah man...they do hear and see everything!

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