Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Literary Circle

I thought I would take a post to introduce Michelle and my book group. This group is very laid back. We feature one (sometimes two) books a month and discuss them as we read them-all via the web. How convenient is that? Read, Get Smarter, Talk, Toss around ideas, Philosophize, Make friends. No pressure. (We released the pressure valve upon opening the group. True. Of course we want people who will read. We would also like people who will write about what they read, and comment on what other people wrote about what they read. We want people to read what others wrote. We want people who read sometimes, lots of the time or always. We want people who read. Do you read? If you read, you possibly could be a good match for this group. What do you say? It might be fun. If you fit into any of the above categories, I woudl suggest giving it a go. Or, maybe you're not so much a reader, but you know someone who does know how to read. Maybe they would like to see the site, take it for a spin. Here is the link, use it as you feel appropriate:

Here is a post I just posted if you want to taste it before you buy the whole package. This isn't my traditional post, but what is?

OK, I really thought about this. For the past few months we have featured respective holiday books. I am generally all for this but I have contemplated skipping a Christmas book and rather reading some gut wrenching drama or some other thing of the sort. My apologies to those who would have chosen the latter....but I promise it is coming soon. For the past several years I have taken the month of December and set it aside as a strictly Christmas themed book month. I love Christmas. I love nearly everything about it. I love the love that is freely given in gestures not necessary. I love the pleasant conversations at the early sales as you try to help each other (strangers generally, find their treasure.) I love making it a magical day for the people I love most. I love showing my family I love them as a representation of how the Savior loves us. I love the delectable treats and formal-ish dinners and the excitement of the children. I love finding the perfect gift. I love reading Luke 2 on Christmas eve and remembering the tragic yet beautiful circumstances that is the atonement in making. I love joy that in the deep of life is sometimes hard to locate, but seems abundant at this time of year.

So a Christmas book and a challenge too. Our feature book will be The Christmas Pearl by Dorothea Benton Frank. Please join us in reading this Holiday Book. I have read and truly enjoyed this author before so I have high hopes for this read.

By way of challenge. I would like to present one. I see all of these challenges and always say to myself, "self, I don't do challenges." Not that I won't, but simply that I don't. However upon further pondering I found that I do. Well 2 of them anyway. The first is to read the feature book on The Literary Circle each month. This may seem like a no brainer because I am choosing the book every other month, so obviously they are books I love right? Not exactly. The inspiration for this group was two fold. First, Michelle, my very best friend who lives a very long way could read the same book at the same timethat I read it, and then we would discuss it. I was so excited abotu our plan that I mentioned this to several friends who in turn all had the same response, "and you aren't going to let us/me/anyone else join?" Hmmm. I suppose we could do that. And how fun this has turned out for me and Michelle too I think. One of the complainers however un-joined a couple of months in saying she didn't have time to read. Hmm. Oh well, but that's for giving me the gumption. The second fold mission was to stretch ourselves and read things that we would enjoy but also choose things we might not otherwise choose. This particular issue presented it's own issues as now we weren't just trying to please ourselves but any number of group members. We aim to choose books that more people will read , will stretch the mind, will be entertaining and still mostly appropriate by many people's standards. No problem right? We have chosen a few books that have strung some intense and fabulous discussional posts. On the other hand, we have chosen books that only Michelle and I join in on. Anyway, back to the challenge. I have wonderful success in getting myself into the Christmas spirit by reading Christmas only books in December and would like to ask all willing readers to accept this challenge and begin by reading The Christmas Pearl together then chose a handful of Christmas novels from your local library and keep them going all month long. I know it's a busy time of year, but I use reading as my nighttime-cool off time. Who's with me?

(We have never offered a challenge on The Literary Circle until this very moment. Even the monthly reads have been voluntary so only Michelle and I have made those a challenge to complete. So here's to making Christmas great this year-here's to setting and reaching a goal and here's to a season celebrated for THE REASON, the true reason for this blessed season...our dear savior.


Michelle said...

I suck as a poster, I know it! :) Thank you for being the one to inspire and keep our little group afloat, it really is a great place to be.

Natalie said...

Hmm... Now you have me thinking. I fall under the "I know how to read" category, so I guess I qualify. If I can upload this to my iphone I might have to join. :)